A trial program of 20 rental bicycles for visitors, including 5 for children, was launched in 2008 as an eco-friendly option intended to reduce demand for the battery-operated cars.
Wood is considered to be the most eco-friendly option when it comes to choosing a kitchen countertop as wood is a renewable resource.
'Greenwashing' in advertising does not mean the bamboo is an eco-friendly option, just because it is grown naturally.
But with so many eco-friendly options available, which one is actually the greenest?
We must use every type of policy instrument including VAT reductions, emissions trading, and subsidies to change the behaviour of consumers and businesses so they have more incentives to take eco-friendly options.
Mr. Mooney, an avid hiker and animal rights proponent, plays down the commitment, saying he is not an environmental expert and has not found all the eco-friendly options.
Homeowners and builders alike more often prefer traditional materials like cedar and slate over eco-friendly options, like roofing and decking made from recycled plastics and rubber, they said.
But other eco-friendly options are open to the less adventurous.