Thus, the ecological characteristics of Donggang River can be explained in 2 words, rarity.
The area is sparsely populated with low aquatic and terrestrial ecological characteristics.
Like the other 47 islets that circle Martinique, the Rock has its own ecological characteristics.
In addition to their ecological characteristics, analog forests are also designed to provide economic benefits.
Although each area is similar in ecological characteristics, their biotas were assembled differently.
The ecological characteristics of marine fish, for example, affect the forms that privatization, industry structure and regulation can take.
Probably the most important ecological characteristic of abyssal ecosystems is energy limitation.
The park has sub-Himalayan belt geographical and ecological characteristics.
The region is known for its unique ecological characteristics, including unspoiled habitat for numerous indigenous species.
These facts together with several unique genetic, behavioral, ecological, reproductive and morphological characteristics form the basis for its conservation.