African Sacred Groves: ecological dynamics & social change.
Their biological and ecological dynamics are not well known and there are no good historic time series.
With attention turning to the Holocene it was desirable that more should be known, for example, about processes of ecological dynamics.
The rhythm of life is orchestrated by the natural diurnal patterns of light and dark, so disruption to these patterns impacts the ecological dynamics.
Overfishing has changed the ecological dynamics of marine communities, allowing some organisms to dominate reefs, that were once controlled by large reef fish populations.
This page focuses on phycotoxins produced by marine microalgae; however, freshwater algae and macroalgae are known phycotoxin producers and may exhibit analogous ecological dynamics.
The basic Tierra model has been used to experimentally explore in silico the basic processes of evolutionary and ecological dynamics.
Other areas which have been proposed to be suitable for these methods include ecological dynamics and finance.
Other important requirements include a sound ecological understanding of the system, including connectedness, ecological dynamics and the context in which the system is embedded.
Through a complex, disarrayed mix of trees, shrubs, vines, and seasonal crops, these systems, through their high levels of biodiversity, achieve the ecological dynamics of a forest ecosystem.