Upon removal, the park will revegetate the slopes and river bottoms to prevent erosion and speed up ecological recovery.
In addition to the ecological recovery, walkways, paths and bird hides have been provided.
PCB's are also among the biggest remaining obstacles to the ecological recovery of the river.
The area is also noted for its ecological recovery from the logging era of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
The ecological recovery of the Hudson River is by now a well-documented success story.
With the passage of time, these areas began to show signs of ecological recovery.
"There is nothing in the plan that's a showstopper" in achieving ecological recovery, he said.
Those stands of trees will serve as good seed stock for ecological recovery, once the human population is gone.
Occasionally, as he viewed an area where louse trees flourished or where the ecological recovery seemed well along, he nodded.
- 35 % of the funds in equal shares to the five Gulf Coast States for economic and ecological recovery.