One of grass patches said that they were the ecologically responsible replacement for fur.
Ancient mining sites give the opportunity for ecologically responsible bush camping, but no supplies are available.
"As a result, we've also begun working with designers to make ecologically responsible design objects," he says.
"We just want to get people to see that they can manage the lawn, landscape in a way that is both useful and ecologically responsible."
This was ecologically responsible, but, I found, not terribly pragmatic.
Some ecologists also argue that we should produce no more than we really need, in an ecologically responsible way.
That is basic, a real social choice and an ecologically responsible act in the strongest sense of the term.
This combined approach is in line with the ecologically responsible market economy, which is our model for the political order.
In short, ecologically responsible agriculture, which the Group of the Greens has always advocated.
This ecologically responsible animated feature, based on a children's book, is a fantasy about a jungle in jeopardy.