The ecologically rich habitats traditionally included meadows, marshlands, and rivers.
Thus, degradation of the ecologically rich system necessitated intervention at the Government level through enabling legislation to stop further damage to the ecosystem.
Mozambique has an ecologically rich and diverse wildlife.
But even more impressive - and wilder - were the ecologically rich wooded bottomlands, back eddies and sloughs south of Trempealeau.
Tenant/managers have lived in the farmhouse, welcoming the public and educating many schoolgroups about the farm's history and ecologically rich natural beauty.
This river and its ecologically rich delta have had a positive impact on the development of the community of Spanish.
Such woodland is less productive, in terms of timber yield, but ecologically rich, typically containing a number of "indicator species" of indigenous wildlife.
The Turumbu territory lies in the Zairian Basin, an ecologically rich region with a wide variety of plants, animals and microorganisms.
The digital future is a swamp: vast, ecologically rich in its own way, but, over all, a tough wade.
In contrast, the forest preserve is ecologically rich wetland and provides watershed and filtration for the principal feeders of Piseco Lake.