"It gets them to leave but does not harm them and is, as they say, ecologically safe."
The 2004 guide considered that none of the species of fish documented were ecologically safe to catch and eat.
We are receiving more and more inquiries, by email and phone, asking where people can get a hold of ecologically safe produce in Russia.
The book is a personal account of Silvestry's self-tested methods for looking youthful and living an ecologically safe and healthy life.
If the swans had found an ecologically safe way of obliterating the desals, or even all human life on Ventus, they could try it.
Enviroboard is a construction panel, generally manufactured using compressed ecologically safe sourced material.
The crucial variable is that there is now a greater sense of urgency about putting Freddie into an ecologically safe environment.
According to designers of Transneft, the building of the underwater crossing is ecologically safe.
The purpose of the June meeting is to forge a consensus on making world economic growth ecologically safe and sustainable.
The latter offers the best long-term control at no cost for the farmer and is ecologically safe.