Ecologically speaking, the loss of wetlands can be disastrous.
Even a small planet is large, ecologically speaking.
Ecologically speaking, a sparkling lake may pale beside its plainer cousin, the vernal pond.
Ecologically speaking, at the time of the Chinchorro culture the region was relatively stable.
Alaj is one messed-up world, ecologically speaking.
Ecologically speaking, it is the Caribbean of puddles - the one to which all other puddles aspire.
Ecologically speaking, this resembles the mobbing behavior that characterizes many species of small birds when they collectively defend against the predator.
Ecologically speaking, the primary focus should obviously be on energy efficiency and the latest environmental technology.
Yet it doesn't fundamentally challenge the corn-feedlot system, and I'm not sure that an "organic feedlot" isn't, ecologically speaking, an oxymoron.
Ecologically speaking, the presence of these structures provides a hard surface on which life can grow, as the surrounding ocean floor is generally muddy.