Cassytha fruits are ecologically valuable to some fruit-eating birds.
"The only way to protect areas that are economically and ecologically valuable is to keep oil out," she said.
The river then takes a southern direction and enters the Monte del Pardo, an ecologically valuable area on the edge of Madrid.
Wetlands are considered ecologically valuable because they shelter wildlife, act as a water filtration system and provide flood protection.
The conservation movement lobbies for protection of endangered species and protection of any ecologically valuable natural areas.
The intended result is an environmentally friendly new civilian community decorated by what its boosters call an "emerald necklace" of ecologically valuable natural areas.
Research also suggests that seamounts such as Davidson Seamount may be ecologically valuable to rare species that use them as breeding grounds.
And thirdly, we need to protect, consolidate and promote the burgeoning processing industry in this area, an industry producing smart, ecologically valuable, biological degradable products.
One of the two binding treaties agreed at the summit, this required states to take steps to preserve ecologically valuable areas and species.
At stake was the ecologically valuable river system and diverse woodland.