Sebastian Pinera, a banker and brother of the former labor minister, said he feared the political question would come to obscure the real economic accomplishments.
The public seems to be giving President Clinton little credit for his economic accomplishments and little blame for the economy's shortcomings.
There is no doubt that the Clinton-Gore administration's proudest economic accomplishment was balancing the federal budget.
The Liberals hope to emphasize their economic accomplishments, citing reduced unemployment, lower taxes and expanded federal budget surpluses.
You were quite right to cheer the economic accomplishments of immigrants and others who work their way up.
Seaga's greatest economic accomplishment has been restoring confidence.
"You have zero percent inflation," he continued, listing economic accomplishments.
Mr. Gergen catalogued the many social, economic and technical accomplishments of his generation.
So, using fractured sentences and odd tenses, the vice president cited the administration's economic accomplishments but did not cite the administration.
ARRA was Congress's most important economic accomplishment last year, but it did not stand alone.