Victoria was the dominant political and economic centre before the economic ascendancy of Vancouver, BC/Chinatown, Vancouver.
A far more rational approach to China's economic ascendancy would be to consider what steps the United States should be taking to protect itself and to grow.
Given neighboring China's rapid economic ascendancy, Vietnam highly values its economic relationship with China.
This sawmill helped establish Seattle's economic ascendancy.
Behind China's rapid economic ascendancy over the last 25 (and especially last 10) years is the basic fact of China's huge population.
The sudden popularity of American mentoring is largely a reflection of the United States' economic ascendancy in the 1990's.
The community acquired economic ascendancy during the boom in the salt and wine trades, to which the dwellers of the whole Meißnervorland dedicated themselves beginning in the 16th century.
For more than three decades, the Liberal Democratic Party and the policies that led Japan from poverty to economic ascendancy seemed inseparable.
His theory that economic cooperation would beget political cooperation was appealing when Asia was in economic ascendancy.
The 16th century saw the economic and political ascendancy of France and Spain, and then later of Holland, England, Germany and Russia.