But it may be that such action to stem the economic calamity caused by Enron's bankruptcy was called for.
In recent months, she has been nursing her anger over Mexico's economic calamity.
The last three years have been a time of unparalleled economic calamity.
Here's video of me, posing that question to my colleagues, about (perhaps) the most important economic calamity to face this country in 80 years.
"For evenings, it would have meant overtime and running beyond midnight, an economic calamity in the days of the Depression."
Europe, and conceivably the world, stands on the edge of economic calamity.
The economic calamity suffered by the South during the war affected every family.
But economic calamity has never looked so good.
As never before, top officials are being called on the carpet to account for recurrent economic calamities.
He called the amendment "an economic, fiscal and political calamity in the making."