Planters, landlords and merchants used economic coercion against black sharecroppers with limited success.
They are not a unilateral "lure," nor do they constitute economic coercion.
Where is the line between financial incentives and economic coercion?
A standing army and navy are dangerous to liberty and should be avoided; much better was to use economic coercion such as the embargo.
Anti-trust laws regulate business conduct to preserve competition and to prevent economic coercion.
Dowries and marriage - a bartering of women - little more than economic coercion.
In Pavagadh, economic and social coercion have replaced physical violence.
A clause in the agreement protects Ukraine "against economic coercion."
Powderly hoped to gain their ends through politics and education rather than through economic coercion.
That is not the case when it comes to economic coercion toward foreign-policy ends.