In the first one, it should say, simply, that the period of economic contraction has ended and the economy is growing again.
In only half the cases, however, was the market drop followed by an economic contraction.
Surely the point is that resource issues have caused the economic contraction which has already been in evidence for several years?
An economic contraction of more than 7 percent in 1999 in has been followed this year by a return to growth.
"I think we have the makings of an economic contraction."
"The full dimensions of the current economic contraction aren't being fully appreciated by the market," he said.
For now, however, the concern lies with the current economic contraction.
The acquisition never developed, as the company was badly hit by the economic contraction of the early 1980s.
He is more worried about price stability than economic contraction.
Simply, the cuts have been too rapid, and we now face economic contraction.