In other words, we were subsidised by taxes on our elders, who stumped up for higher education, even when the country was in economic disarray.
No one who has followed the budget debate would deny there is economic disarray in Washington.
Others put their hopes in Russia's economic disarray.
No political opposition or whining about economic disarray could survive a Serbian call to arms, he said.
One good cotton crop alone won't cure the economic disarray of the Delta towns.
This left the quarter in economic disarray, of which but a handful of large enterprises were able to survive.
But for now, bad loans remain the fundamental source of economic disarray.
But it is unclear whether the fleet represents security or danger in the current political and economic disarray.
To occupy the middle ground, the President had to abandon socialist policies like bank nationalizations, which brought economic disarray.
Russia's economic disarray and the fragility of market reforms make further aid more difficult.