Schools, like other entities, are not immune to economic fluctuations.
Hence the reliance on property taxes, which are also less vulnerable to economic fluctuations, to finance school systems.
But now comparative pay plans are showing up in companies that have been whipsawed by economic or political fluctuations.
We need to develop a capacity to deal with economic fluctuations.
Cattle stealing was more sensitive to economic fluctuations in the twentieth century than it had been earlier.
The United States, a mixed economy, has experienced many economic fluctuations since its creation, and even to in the present.
He wrote a paper analyzing the role of investment in explaining economic fluctuations.
The Colony suffered from economic fluctuations, but for the most part was prosperous, experiencing steady growth.
This positive feedback is what amplifies economic fluctuations in the model.
Although it started small, the income tax dramatically grew in the coming years due to war and Congress's responses to drastic economic fluctuations.