Different from the British discourse, the economic grievances could be the base of the movement.
The political task ahead for the liberal thinkers of Iran is to find a program that links human rights and democracy to the poor's economic grievances.
Their rising was not so much an effort to force the crown to reverse its religious policy as a protest against economic grievances.
It was unclear if economic grievances prompted the bombing.
In the Siberian fields, the issues have involved similar economic grievances but also the far more basic question of management of the coal industry.
The ending of so many social and economic grievances did not end Irish disenchantment, however.
This resurgent nationalism is matched by economic grievances not limited to the Serbs alone.
It required no elaborate analysis to draw the lesson: economic grievances could only be redressed by achieving political change.
Nearly 150 men gathered at the intersection of Park and Main streets, in order to air their social and economic grievances.
But the striking Siberian miners did not stop with a list of economic grievances.