Many towns and villages were severed from their markets and economic hinterlands.
Many towns and villages were severed from their markets and economic hinterlands, which caused areas close to the border to go into an economic and demographic decline.
The region served as the vast industrial and economic hinterland for Ningbo and Shanghai which is the biggest seaport on mainland China.
The creation of the border deprived it of access to a large part of its economic hinterland for many years.
The area over which "city exchanges" disperse matter can well be called the city's economic hinterland or region.
Once an economic hinterland, Canada became the industrialized world's most trade-dependent country in the 1990's, with 43 percent of its economy tied to trade.
It is the economic hinterland for Hong Kong trade with the Mainland and also one of the most important port in terms of China's international trade.
The border now ran only a few kilometers to the east of the city, cutting it off from much of its economic hinterland.
While there is no direct written evidence of Hunnic invasion of Kosovo, its economic hinterland will anyway have been affected for centuries.
Unlike her major competitors, however, Germany lacked both a well-developed economic hinterland for agricultural and commercial support, and helpful overseas colonies.