In economic jargon, city living creates what Glaeser calls "spillovers."
All this economic jargon is such a bore.
To this the Tory Party answers with obscure economic jargon which most of its members seem to have no understanding of themselves.
This is termed Demand Pull Inflation in economic jargon.
To use the economic jargon, there are externalities in banking, which provide the justification for government intervention.
In economic jargon, it is an agreement between more than two countries, but not a great many, which would be multilateral agreement.
Some authors have commented on the ambiguity of the terms "cardinal utility" and "ordinal utility", as used in economic jargon:
The budgetary consolidation, under way, favours what in economic jargon is called 'crowding in' of investment.
The discussion about climate change can be mind-numbingly complex, filled as it often is with economic and scientific jargon.
Walsh's thinking was based on the theory known in economic jargon as 'reverse income substitution effect'.