But outsiders agree that Savannah has never been mistaken for an economic juggernaut.
At times, Tokyo, the economic juggernaut, seems more like Tokyo, the world's largest street carnival.
Such assertiveness is especially notable because it did not come out of the mouth of the leader of a nuclear power or an economic juggernaut.
And it is not clear that China can rein in its own economic juggernaut.
The findings also suggest an almost defeatist view by Americans toward the Japanese economic juggernaut.
A Dutch journalist with long experience in Japan finds the economic juggernaut politically rudderless and its future endangered.
But about three-quarters of the land in the United States is in private hands, and therefore vulnerable to the economic juggernaut.
Only a decade ago, Americans were telling pollsters that they feared that the Japanese economic juggernaut would one day wipe out their jobs.
The people who have launched Japan's economic juggernaut must now step out of the shadows.
Until now, most of the problems caused by that approach were easily overcome and did little to slow the West German economic juggernaut.