That means Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid - most of what gives citizens of the United States a safety net against economic misfortune.
And don't even get me started on the economic misfortunes of the modern urban poet.
Of course, a reversal of economic misfortunes in the years ahead will not remove all barriers to action on climate change.
Many of the new homeless are families who became victims of economic misfortune coinciding with a period when Federal support for subsidized housing virtually vanished.
An excuse to dull the pain of economic misfortune with Whisky!
Such ruble shortages fuel the fears of those who see Russia's dark hand behind every economic misfortune.
But Mr. Bowsher said in an interview that improper management magnified the losses from the economic misfortunes.
The success of Liverpool FC was some compensation for the city's economic misfortune during the 1970s and 1980s.
Just as New Castle was saved from disfiguring change by apparent economic and political misfortune, so now, again, it seems paradoxically protected by its threatening surroundings.
While the Plebeians sought to address their economic misfortune through the enactment of laws, the underlying problems were ultimately caused by the organization of society.