To all this must be added that his economic mismanagement led to the province nearly to bankrupt.
In Yugoslavia, for example, foreign investment has dried up because of economic mismanagement and political unrest.
However, economic mismanagement led to hyperinflation from 1988 to 1990.
But some officials worry that Mexico is not out of danger from unrest and economic mismanagement.
"Greece is a small country with a history of economic mismanagement".
Initially, the administration blamed the global panic on the developing countries, for economic mismanagement.
He added: "This economic mismanagement has been so great that our ancestors would be turning in their graves."
The result of yet more Tory neglect and economic mismanagement.
Today many people believe that the cause of inflation is not economic mismanagement but secret police officials printing money.
It has been heavily criticized for economic mismanagement and a series of scandals.