The current cynicism stems from Zaire's deepening economic morass.
Much of Michigan is an economic morass.
They are finding themselves in an economic morass, where professional control translates into economic control.
It is hard to see how France can quickly extricate itself from its economic morass.
Readers should not too quickly conclude that keeping this country's youth in school for ever lengthier periods will bring us out of our economic morass.
If such energy could ever be applied to pulling the country out of its moral, environmental and economic morass, the results would be extraordinary.
Lower Manhattan has sunk into an economic morass that has many business executives worried.
His own appetite and resources for delving into the economic morass are under question as much as that of the Soviet public.
But even the status of the factory and its manager have not saved it from the nation's deepening economic morass.
But he is also a product of the state's politics and its economic morass over the past decade.