In many cases, economic nationalists oppose globalization or at least question the benefits of unrestricted free trade.
The trade organization's judicial authority has long been a main sticking point for economic nationalists who opposed America's entry into the worldwide trade accord.
All four Presidents on Mt. Rushmore were economic nationalists.
Countries that were once proud economic nationalists are now trying to forge closer ties with the rest of the world.
Today's deal with Pepsico reflects several arrangements that are intended to assuage economic nationalists.
Yet many of today's progressives are economic nationalists, viewing unilateral tariffs as the policy tool of choice.
Japan's negotiators hang tough because they're not ideologues; they're economic nationalists looking out for Japan first.
The goal of all economic and political nationalists has been the creation and then maintenance of Canadian sovereignty.
In the Democratic Party today, neopopulists and economic nationalists are on the rise.
To succeed in power, he says, Democrats must demonstrate independence from "economic nationalists" and progressive bloggers.