Mr. Rabin's list of promises from the campaign includes a thorough economic overhaul that he says Israel needs for the 21st century.
Mr. Baker's plan called for additional bank lending to countries engaging in a full-scale economic overhaul.
The officials stressed that economic overhaul was made necessary by rapid technological development throughout the world.
Italy has deep budget problems, for example, and Sweden is facing an economic overhaul.
Pharmaceuticals play a major role in Singapore's economic overhaul.
It's supposed to be divided between short-term, to pay pressing bills, and long-term, to support real economic overhaul, but the proportions haven't been specified.
As the Government's economic overhaul takes effect, Poles are resigning themselves to tightening their belts.
"This is the year selected to deal with it," he said, referring to an economic overhaul of the business.
The next step in the government's planned economic overhaul is to push through difficult changes in the country's costly health care system.
The effort was part of an economic overhaul required by the I.M.F. in exchange for a $3.7 billion loan package.