Nimbys, many industry analysts say, have become a new force in American business life that could push the country toward an unprecedented economic paralysis.
At the same time, widespread corruption within the Qing bureaucracy had left the empire in a state of total economic paralysis.
Slowly at first, then gathering momentum, until within a few weeks or months there'll be economic paralysis.
At 20 percent, he warned, the Soviet Union risks economic paralysis.
Instead of prosperity, socialism has brought economic paralysis and/or collapse to every country that tried it.
More important, the grief reflected a widespread hopelessness about breaking the deep political, economic and social paralysis into which Algeria has fallen.
Many privately owned businesses closed or went on short time, some out of sympathy for the strike, others because of the fuel shortage and economic paralysis.
The problems are a direct result of the economic paralysis in Western Europe, on which those countries depend for exports and investment.
Their staff received salaries but were instructed not to perform any banking functions in the hope that economic paralysis would bring down the Bolshevik regime.
Internationally, the United States faces escalating trade tensions and the drag from Japan's economic paralysis.