You have to go back four years to 2006, to find economic policymakers in the West in an upbeat, confident mood.
Obviously the key decision-makers are European leaders and economic policymakers there.
But the fiscal effects of buybacks do not get much attention from economic policymakers.
"This new Japan bashing is very unfortunate," said a senior economic policymaker, asking not to be identified.
"Fostering healthy growth and job creation is a shared responsibility of all economic policymakers."
The incompetence of economic policymakers in the last decade has given us the worst downturn since the Depression.
The Fed chairman is the most important economic policymaker on the planet.
The term bears negative connotations, but slow economic growth is not always the fault of economic policymakers.
The results were an economic policymaker's dream.
For months the question among economic policymakers was whether the occasional signs of recovery were robins that portended a new spring.