Not to be ignored, of course, were economic ripples from the Japanese earthquake.
This week's event, by contrast, will create hardly an economic ripple.
American officials say that it is still too early to assess which way the economic ripples will radiate.
The growth is expected to create a strong economic ripple throughout the El Paso area.
Merchants, manufacturers, everyone felt the economic ripples.
But a lack of local hotel rooms sent most of the economic ripples elsewhere, mainly to the Wyndham.
One thing nobody has pointed out is that if Greece defaults the economic ripples could well reach these shores.
The direct costs of the attacks have been estimated at $30 billion, and the economic ripples may soon outreach the initial shock wave.
Some of the economic ripples reaching the Minnesota plumbing supply house were set in motion in South America.
Choking off the westbound pipes is a striking gamble by Russia, one likely to send political and economic ripples westward in the months ahead.