It cast itself as an economic savior.
Inflation dropped, new businesses started and government coffers grew, securing Sachs's reputation as an economic savior.
Whatever his shortcomings, they tell us, he was Chile's economic saviour and lit the world's future economic path.
The country needs an economic saviour and it may choose the Irish chemical industry.
Looking for an economic savior, most people here hold out hopes that a new missile system will be based in North Dakota.
The experts warn that gambling is no economic savior; some call it nothing more than a tax disguised as a slot machine.
Even if things go fairly badly it is not certain that voters would turn to Labour as economic saviour.
But even more important to Mr. Cole is Sunnyside's role in promoting organic farming as economic savior.
And Mississippi, desperate and poor, sees the business as its economic savior.
It is also an economic savior of sorts to this deeply impoverished country.