It is not a vicious cycle but rather a downward economic spiral.
In the 1960's when the city was on an economic downward spiral, the buildings fell into disrepair and were demolished.
It's about how the downward slope of the economic spiral looks and feels.
Are male-female roles changing or are women being mired in a downward economic spiral?
To be sure, nouveau cheap could quicken the nation's downward economic spiral.
A new owner might loosen commercial credit, helping to slow the state's downward economic spiral.
Unfortunately, tariffs and subsidies are aggravators of a world-wide economic downward spiral.
His autocratic methods prevented the major changes required to halt a downward economic spiral.
These effects can become self-reinforcing, creating a downward economic spiral.
Recently with the collapse of the fisheries the town has been in a downhill economic spiral and most younger people have moved away searching for jobs.