He called on Congress to pass legislation on airport security and economic stimulation.
"In the end, only tax cuts will provide the economic stimulation to grow our revenue bases."
Legalizing marijuana would also create much needed jobs, but I don't see the rushing the legislation for that economic stimulation.
The investment tax credit is an immensely popular tool for economic stimulation among politicians and business executives.
And this newfound economic stimulation hasn't failed to influence urban nightlife.
"We are not in a period when we need economic stimulation."
Now he is willing to pry open the treasury a bit in the name of economic stimulation, especially to put more government money into provincial public works.
In 1983, New Community initiated an ambitious small business development effort in order to create job opportunities and other economic stimulation within its target neighborhoods.
This restraining of economic stimulation gives us grounds to fear further recession in Europe.
However, I do accept that reducing the taxation burden is an instrument of economic stimulation.