There was a feeling at the back of it that it provided the only escape from economic strangulation.
Give sanctions a couple of years to work, and economic strangulation will bring Iraq to its knees.
And it wouldn't be the first time that Syria has tried this kind of economic strangulation.
Before the Nechti came to our borders, each system fought against its neighbor, in armed combat or with economic strangulation.
If economic strangulation doesn't work, what are President Bush's options?
What we will not allow, however, is American participation in the economic strangulation of Israel.
It was called to deal with just one subject: the economic strangulation of Israel.
If we still are faced with economic strangulation, then we may have to move toward rules that allocate the street capacity.
To avoid economic strangulation we had to negotiate constantly with both sides.
There is no talk of economic strangulation of Iran.