He has also written about the global business and financial climate, economic stratification, and real estate trends.
The city's population was characterized by social stratification, both economic and religious, which grew more pronounced over the years.
Madison particularly emphasizes that economic stratification prevents everyone from sharing the same opinion.
Therefore, it can be postulated that economic stratification itself ultimately results in economic collapse of one degree or another.
Labour specialization, economic stratification and possibly the risk of invasion may have been the reasons behind this development.
These neighborhoods are most often lower income, but have maintained some level of economic stratification.
The column was about the economic and social stratifications that are setting in as the information age matures.
Her goal in teaching is "to break through the social, economic and political stratification" she sees in Mississippi.
But worse, this economic stratification is translating into social stratification.
African Americans began to create common cause-regardless of their multiracial admixture or social and economic stratification.