It added that improvement would not come until there was an economic turnaround.
Many continue to recommend the two companies as strong winners in an economic turnaround.
"With a slow economic turnaround over the next several years, that site might be very ripe for development," she said.
President Yeltsin has vowed to see the first signs of an economic turnaround by next fall.
But today almost no one is expecting the quick economic turnaround he would need to make his plan work.
The 1990s brought the beginnings of an economic turnaround for the city.
That will be hard testing for a President who came to office promising jobs and economic turnaround above all.
He is also concerned about industrials, although many of these companies should benefit from the economic turnaround.
And nobody in the business is talking about an economic turnaround.
By 2004, signs of an economic turnaround began to appear.