This must be based on the most economical vehicle used.
Despite its sometime image as an economical vehicle, the fourth-generation hatchback has become very popular in near stock SCCA autocross competition.
In order to fit into smaller, more economical vehicles, today's radios are trending toward radically smaller sizes than their tube-type ancestors.
The feedback indicated the need for an economical vehicle that could take light loads over short distances.
Not as economical a vehicle as the Mariposa but adequate.
Though retaining much of Lawrie Bonds original concept of a simple, lightweight, economical vehicle, the Minicar was gradually developed by Sharp's through several different incarnations.
Detroit companies, she went on, had had only themselves to blame for missing consumers' shift to more economical vehicles.
In the U.S. (the main export market for the SM), the SM was actually an economical vehicle relative to its competitors.
It was intended to be a simple and economical vehicle with which pilots could increase their flying experience.
Lawrence "Lawrie" Bond (2 August 1907 - September 1974) was a British engineer and designer noted for designing several economical and lightweight vehicles.