This construction has proved disastrous economically and hindered the development of the whole area during the ten years since its inauguration.
What they have come back with is scientifically dubious, economically disastrous and militarily stupid.
That would be economically disastrous for our country - there's absolutely no way that that money exists.
There were financial interests who believed his policies with the Soviet were economically disastrous.
Lacking other options, Melville finally agreed to have the book published on terms both economically disastrous and devastating to his self-esteem.
An all out terror campaign would have been economically disastrous.
It would be economically disastrous, deprive individuals of their jobs, and do untold other damage.
It would be economically disastrous to abandon the planet and start all over.
That has led to an economically disastrous political stalemate.
It would be economically disastrous for them.