But he specialized in economics and spent much of career as an economics adviser and professor.
Duncan Weldon, a former Bank of England economist, works as an economics adviser to an international trade union federation.
The president's economics adviser, Gene Sperling, said Washington had won concessions on several labor demands, among them protections against a surge in imports.
"We asked for more stimulus than we ended up with," Larry Summers, the outgoing national economics adviser, told me.
My senior economics adviser, Rich Lowrie, came up with a precise number to replicate those five criteria.
Gene Sperling, the Clinton campaign's economics adviser, said the Bush campaign was distorting the Democrat's plan.
From 1989 to 1993 he worked in the Commons as an economics researcher for the Liberal Democrats, becoming the party's senior economics adviser.
Now they are waiting to see who Mr. Colosio will select as an economics adviser.
Another person under consideration to be the chief economics adviser is Lawrence H. Summers.