Fay and Perceval are the best of friends, classmates, roommates, economics majors and cogs on one of the better Wesleyan teams in recent decades.
For example, economics majors will all study in the same courses in the same order, separate from English majors who have a different curriculum.
Two students, economics majors at Moscow State University, giggling, confess that the visit is their first.
In one experiment, for example, the cooperation rates of economics majors fell short of those of nonmajors, and the difference grew the longer the students had been in their respective majors.
Thirty years ago, economics majors took required courses in history of economic thought, macroeconomics (forecasting employment, spending and other trends) and microeconomics (dealing with industry-level problems).
BOTH were economics majors, both good and active students.
Speaking of Bucknell's basketball players, three are engineering majors, three are economics majors, one majors in arts and one in sciences, and one in business.
Dr. Bell coined the term "FEMS," for female economics majors, to describe her students and former students.
"Two of the others were economics majors, and the third, I don't even know if he graduated from college," said David Pollack, 31, a former lawyer who founded the company.
Internships have become especially important for students who are not finance or economics majors.