However, some economists state that Third-World economies, such as the Brazilian and Chinese ones, will not suffer as much as those from more developed countries.
It is about time that a prominent economist stated the real reason for our current recession.
Meanwhile, every sane economist has stated over and over again that making the poor poorer does not help the economy.
The 25-year-old economist quoted in the article stated the situation best: "It's not a problem - it goes away . . . You get your flashy car."
While some might say that a life is priceless, economists usually state the value to be somewhere between three to ten million dollars.
Many businesspeople and economists state that gasoline zone pricing merely reflects the costs of doing business in a complex and volatile marketplace.
Keynesian economists stated that the recession of 1937 was a result of a premature effort to curb government spending and balance the budget.
Some economists state that Ethiopia's economic growth has come at the expense of inflation.
But you would never know that from the vigorous way the politicians and economists state their cases.
However, neo-classical economists have stated the argument for the economy as a whole as follows.