"An economy that is growing rapidly can absorb these people more easily than one that isn't."
In his view, the economy, which is still expanding, could absorb that kind of fiscal action and benefit.
In 2010, there were 15,000 more vacant homes than the economy could absorb; the population was not growing.
While oil prices remain high, the American economy has so far absorbed the increased energy costs.
The economy could absorb a $5-a-barrel rise to $23 fairly well.
And a revived economy would absorb a large number of them in real jobs.
"The Federal Government must recognize that the current economy cannot absorb all those on welfare," he said.
Moreover, they said, their economies could not absorb a large number of people returning.
Injuries are left uncompensated, while society and the economy absorb the loss: that is just reality.
That is what today's strong economy absorbs in a week.