Some terrestrial ecosystems such as forests may also depend on groundwater.
Microbial ecosystems in aquatic environments depend on a variety of factors including pH, temperature, and light exposure.
A few ecosystems, however, depend entirely on energy extracted by chemotrophs from methane, sulfides, or other non-luminal energy sources.
This includes, for example, the suppression of fire, which many ecosystems historically depended on for their biological character and variety.
The land-based ecosystem depends on topsoil and fresh water, while the marine ecosystem depends on dissolved nutrients washed down from the land.
An ecosystem depends critically on the ability of individuals and populations to disperse from one habitat patch to another.
When paulownias prevent native plants from recolonizing these places, they reduce the diversity on which ecosystems depend.
It also raises questions about the sun, as every ecosystem depends on the sun and its energy for survival.
The ecosystem depends on your knowledge.
This is a member of the pine rocklands flora, which is fire-adapted; the ecosystem depends on periodic wildfire for its stability.