However, should even one area of Trampoli become devoid of Runeys, the ecosystem suffers, and crops grow much slower than normal.
These mechanisms describe a situation in which the ecosystem has suffered a disturbance which changes the fundamental nature of the ecosystem.
In reality, the ecosystem suffers from alternating floods and droughts.
Terrestrial ecosystems did not suffer as much, but were severely altered by the sudden rise in temperature.
Furthermore, other ecosystems have suffered greater damage than the Amazon.
Ecocide can be irreversible when an ecosystem suffers beyond self healing.
The planet's ecosystem suffers from a number of particular peculiarities, most notably evolutionary quirks to allow all living organisms to detect and avoid solar flares.
Guanabara Bay's once rich and diversified ecosystem has suffered extensive damage in recent decades, particularly along its mangrove areas.
Last summer, although the organism was not so pervasive - and the waters not so brown -scientists said the area's ecosystem suffered just as badly.
The delicate ecosystems that thrive in our state have suffered enough so I am pleased when I see actions taken to protect them.