The new series "Fired Up" comes with a topical premise and an edgy lead character, just what most sitcoms lack.
It allowed other talent and an edgy collective character to emerge.
Doc and Reggie are slightly less edgy characters.
After "Spy Kids 3" was released in 2003 when Vega was 14, she went through a phase of wanting to play older, edgier characters.
Her career is strongly focused on independent films and she is known for her portrayal of strong, edgy characters with a dark, gritty past.
Over the last several decades, Five Points has become known for its edgy, bohemian character and many independent shops, restaurants and businesses.
However, Tony Rayns felt that the film's climax was uninspired, saying that "the generic pay off is a little disappointing after the edgy, character based scenes of exposition".
Marsh called the characters "cool, edgy and clever without [...] being mean-spirited."
That strategy has been pioneered by Dark Horse Comics, a 10-year-old company that has had remarkable success in getting its edgy characters made into movies.
Spun by two charming, edgy characters - Margy, a violinist, and Webster, a microbiologist - their patterns unfold slowly, cautiously.