The brief is for an edgy but classy look.
His broad, stocky body was full of a nervous energy that gave him an edgy, restless look even when standing still.
His face held the edgy look of anticipation.
Brooks took on an edgy look while Sam felt comfortable wearing a dress for the first time.
An edgier look for 2012 makes it stand out from the competition.
Kimberly looked bone-tired but alert, wearing that slightly edgy look he'd come to know so well.
Stuff that is edgy looks cutting edge and dangerous, but it doesn't actually threaten anything of substance.
This tall, blond fellow with the taut, edgy look in his eyes?
Those may not be the most trendy qualities but my 28-year-old son approved the edgy look of the new Picanto.
The man, with that edgy, frantic look, shook his head- "We are all down here now," he said.