No edible food is available to Perry, who eventually dies of hunger should he survive until then.
Send water for washing to my chamber and edible food if you can find it.
Now she was merely grateful for a roof over her head, marginally edible food, and a nice fire.
They are also redistributing edible food and have taken over an abandoned lot for the composting.
Somehow, we have to stay here long enough to get a stock of edible food.
Every year $43 billion worth of edible food is estimated to be thrown away.
So what does happen to perfectly edible food that caterers prepare but the guests don't eat?
Scientists and students have built a 3D printer that makes edible food.
I understand what you mean but even so - every plate of food edible, no raw chicken or lamb.
Mothers also use this technique to make food edible for their calves.