Whatever your pleasure, you have your choice from more than 1,400 edible insects to choose from.
We'll get to the bottom of this and look at the different varieties of edible insects on the next page.
Another attraction features David Gracer cooking edible insects and offering them to visitors to sample.
Then a wren appeared, a tiny bird flitting along a lateral branch, checking it for edible insects.
Two well known aspects of the cuisine are the use of chocolate for drinking and various edible insects, especially grasshoppers called chapulines.
Next door to that was a shop that sold edible insects and then another that sold snakes.
Locusts are edible insects, and are considered a delicacy in some countries.
There are 1,417 species of edible insects and nearly 3,000 ethnic groups that currently practice entomophagy around the world [source: Ramos-Elorduy].
In the UK, edible insects are calorie-neutral (it takes more energy to collect a bucket of bugs than you gain by eating them).
He wants to increase research into the field and host a conference on edible insects in 2012.