Typically 45-50% of the animal can be turned into edible products (meat).
Food brokers are responsible for the majority of products, edible or not, that end up on grocers' shelves.
"Only about 60 percent of the beef animal produces edible products," Burnham stated.
After it's cut into pieces, the meat from the animal is then processed further into edible products.
By Federal law, any edible product that contains more than 0.5 percent alcohol is required to have a label warning of the alcohol content.
Guiding Stars is a nutrition guidance program that rates all edible products in the store.
Ossining's business is a disaster with no edible products.
These bacteria not only make edible products, they crowd out harmful microbes that would lead to spoilage.
The world still has many plants that can be used for scores of edible products but are not being exploited currently.
The extraction process takes longer, but results in an edible product.