A Chickpea is a yellow edible vegetable which can be used for cooking.
Some edible "vegetables" such as the cucumber, squash, and tomatoes are actually botanical fruits.
In addition to its usual purpose as an edible vegetable, cabbage has been used historically as a medicinal herb.
You can see that fruit and edible vegetables grow in abundance right there in the swamp.
The edible vegetables and roots covered in this chapter are classified according to:
For information about what's not covered in this chapter, see our quick reference guide to edible vegetables.
The leaves are used as an edible vegetable.
In order to eat, he crossed pea aubergine (Sundaikai, an edible vegetable) with a stone.
He could hunt, and find edible vegetables.
They've already shown us more edible vegetables and burrowing creatures than we were able to find.