Or were they monuments to herself, the manifestations of a condition that one commentator wryly describes as "an edifice complex"?
Towers built as tourist attractions went out in the 1970s, and this particular one is an obvious manifestation of a politician's "edifice complex".
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He said board members had "an edifice complex in which only new buildings count and ones with history need to be replaced by Disneyland facades."
I guess the people here have an edifice complex.
The edifice complex is the disorder of the season.
Some turn out to be mere vanity projects - an edifice complex has been diagnosed in some politicians - and others are vast oversimplifications.
Civic planners and politicians, as the joke went, were in the grip of an edifice complex.
It's the house of somebody with an edifice complex.
But judges with overweening edifice complexes mostly opt for new buildings.