Libero's editor grudgingly expressed embarrassment, and its Web site took down the interview.
Other editors expressed concern that the growing number of challenges could bog down the process.
Whatever Kedley's thoughts, the editor did not express them in words.
The editor of Pavement, a magazine for homeless people, expressed sadness about a church resorting to legal enforcement.
The editors expressed the belief that it would be inappropriate to revise the works.
But international editors, shaken by scandal, are now publicizing them and expressing concern.
Some editors at the company have privately expressed dismay that so much attention is being focused on consumers rather than authors.
Early in his career, his agents and editors expressed concern that he would be "written off" as someone who only wrote horror.
Indeed the editors have expressed their wish to encourage a pluralism and debate between approaches.
Her associate editor also expressed concerns that a male hero would be a "sissy" when written about by a female writer.